
Pure and mixed Pixel Analysis

Mixed pixel class distributions for 2005 and 2010 show a varying number of pixels for each class ranging from N = 2317 (Forest-Shrub 75-100% 2010) up to N = 83263 (Forest-Shrub 0-25% 2005)(see Figure 1).

Figure 1 : Mixed Pixel Analysis’ results for classes "Forest-Crop", "Forest-Grass", "Forest-Shrub". Classes are
grouped in quantiles according to their "Forest-mixed class" combination. E.g.: Forest-Crop 2005 (0-25%
Crop) refers to pixels containing 0-25% Crop and 75-100% Forest according to CCI LC.

Figure 2: Analysis of GSV values 2005 & 2010 depending on the number of used ASAR scenes for the year 2005

Plausibility check

The plausibility check of the BIOMASAR GSV change map of 2005 - 2010 shows distinct patches of plausible
GSV changes (agreement with more than one product)along the Chinese and Russian border, especially in
north, northeast and east of the study area (Figure 3).In total 19,309 pixels showed increasing GSV values
the based on the BIOMASAR GSV change map for 2005 to 2010 and 10,614 pixel showed a decrease of
GSV (Table 1).

Figure 3 : Agreement map of increasing (l) and decreasing(r) BIOMASAR GSV change pixel from 2005 - 2010
based on cross-comparison with various existing remote sensing products.

Table 1. Areal statistics of the plausibility check of the BIOMASAR GSV change map of 2005 - 2010.