
ASAR Growing Stock Volume Map

The second Forest DRAGON 2 Product is a forest growing stock volume map from 2005 for Northeast China (Fig. 2). The map is based on hyper-temporal ENVISAT ASAR datasets and was produced with the BIOMASAR algorithm (Santoro et al. 2011).

Fig. 2: ASAR Forest Growing Stock Volume Map 2005 based on BIOMASAR Algorithm

Change Map 1995/98 - 2005

Another product of the Forest DRAGON 2 project is a growing stock volume (GSV) change map (Fig. 3). This map shows the difference in GSV values between the years 1995/98 and 2005. The map considers the 4 classes of the ERS-1/2 GSV map (0-20m³/ha, 20-50m³/ha, 50-80m³/ha and greater than 80m³/ha).

Fig. 3: GSV Change Map 1995/98 - 2005